Manual wheelchair or scooter rental:
Note: Onsite availability/rental of mobility scooter and wheelchair rental and storage of this equipment is not available.
To arrange for your own manual wheelchair or scooter rental, contact:
- Mobility Plus - (520) 225-0415 - Reservations/Rentals
- Refer to the Campus Accessible Parking Map.
- Location and number of accessible parking spaces is designated on the RED circles.
- The Cherry Ave. Garage is closest to the Festival.
- Suggested drop off locations:
- East side of UA mall on Cherry Avenue
- North of Student Union on Mountain Ave. in the circle.
- University Blvd, west of Old Main
- Highland Ave. south of Koffler and Weaver Science-Engineering Library
Requesting Disability-Related Accommodations and Services
ASL Sign Language Interpreter or CART Captioner
- Use our Online Request Form to request a Sign Language interpreter or CART captioner a minimum of one week prior to the Festival.
Assistive Listening Systems (ALS)
- Requests for Assistive Listening accommodations must be made at least one week prior to the Festival so we can do our best to fulfill your request.
- Please use the assistive listening request form to provide the times and locations for your request.
- If your location does not have ALS readily available, you may be provided with a portable ALS option (e.g. outdoor tents).
- Note: ALS is available in rooms with microphones.
Locations with Assistive Listening Receivers available:
Request your receiver from the designated Author Event Monitor and return it after use.
- All Student Union venues
- Modern Languages 350
- Koffler 204, 216, and 218
- Integrated Learning Center (ILC) 119, 120, 125, 130, 141, 150, and 151
- Education Kiva 211, 310, 353
Locations with Induction Loop Systems:
- Education Kiva 211
- UA Mall tent
- Arizona Daily Star tent
Event location physical accessibility
Accessible restrooms are available in the following locations:
- All buildings open for the event.
- Portable restrooms on the South side of the UA Mall.
- All gender / family restrooms located in
- Main Library 1st floor near the elevator.
- Education 1st floor.
Queues and seating:
- Entries for major presentations will include an accessible entrance/queue option.
- Accessible seating locations inside the venues can accommodate up to two companions to allow for seating for other disabled guests.
- Look for signs with the Universal Access Symbol for accessible routes and presentation queues.
Prior to the Festival, questions regarding disability access can be emailed to Information booths will be available during the Festival for any additional questions or concerns or you can call the Student Union Information desk at 520-621-7755.