Pregnancy Accommodation - Workplace Access

Pregnant and Parenting Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, and Employees

The University is committed to creating an inclusive and accessible environment for pregnant and parenting students and employees. Pregnant and parenting students and employees are welcome to meet with an Access Consultant to discuss pregnancy- or postpartum-related accommodations. The University’s Office of Institutional Equity has information available on campus resources and practices to support pregnant and postpartum students.

Pregnant and parenting students and employees can often arrange necessary flexibility by working directly with their instructors, supervisors, or departments. Alternatively, pregnant employees (including those who are breastfeeding) and pregnant/parenting students may request reasonable accommodations through the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Students or employees need not affiliate with DRC unless they need support in arranging accommodations.

Information about the process for requesting accommodations is available on the DRC website sections for Students and Employees.

Examples of Accommodations for Employees

Discrimination Prohibited

Discrimination against pregnant and parenting students and employees is prohibited by the University’s Nondiscrimination and Anti-harassment Policy. For more information, contact the University’s Office of Institutional Equity.

Temporary Alternative Duty Assignment

HR: Temporary Alternative Work Arrangements
